How to find the venue

The venue for both the ceremony and the party afterwards is the East Quay Restaurant, Whitstable.

You can check out where it is located on our Ultimate Google Map but here are some more suggestions for finding your way there once you have made it to Whitstable. It is next to Whitstable harbour and located right on the beach. Here is the simple schematic:

Coming down Harbour street in the direction of Tankerton, you want to turn left just after going past the bulk of the harbour buildings. This is what the turning actually looks like:

Follow the signs as the road curves around:

Go left past the beach huts and the refining tower. At this point you may be wondering if you are on your way to a mining site and not a wedding venue, but persevere onwards and you will reach the restaurant. Parking is available, just ignore the meters—they are only for during the week.

Walking along the beach?

It is possible to get to the venue walking along the beach.

Tankerton side of the harbour: Just keep walking along the beach until you reach the venue. You can’t miss it as the beach stops right after the venue due to the harbour. You can see the restaurant from the beach outside Hotel Continental, the view is shown below. The venue is the building with ‘restaurant’ written on the roof.

Whitstable side of the harbour: you can walk along the beach to the harbour, then walk through the harbour to get the venue. However, the last bit can be tricky as the gate marked by the red circle in the map below can sometimes be closed, in which case backtrack to the Harbour Offices and then walk down the road marked Whitstable Harbour (this is the road to come down if coming by car). Alternative is to walk along the beach until the harbour, then get onto harbour street, until you see left turn to the venue marked by the signs above.